5 Reasons Why We Think You Should Sign Up

Free Shops
We'll host your custom merch store completely for free forever. No monthly fees, no surprise billing, no having to pay for inventory, shipping or misc costs. You'll never have to pay for anything when it comes to selling your merch, we'll pay you.

Multiple Vendors
We work with some of the best POD suppliers in the industry and have access to hundreds of products that can be shipping domestically in the USA, CANADA, EU and that can also be shipped internationally anywhere in the world. Your designs and custom swag have never been in better hands. No one in your community will be left behind.

No Uploading, No Logististics
You keep creating, we'll handle the rest. Send us your artwork and we'll take care of the uploading as well as will handle all of your sales and customer service. You'll never have to look at another tracking number ever again. You'll have more time to do you.

In-Stream Sales Alerts
We offer in-stream alerts in real time whenever your merch sells. It syncs with OBS and any other top streaming platform. Your fans will be able to leave a message as well that can pop up on stream! Works with Twitch, Youtube, FB and any other streaming platform.

Your Fair Share
We believe that you deserve more than what other companies are willing to pay you for ever sale. Our commission structure makes sure that you get the bulk of the sale each and every time. We'll pay you out every single month via Paypal and even send you a list of everything that was sold. Its all about the community but a little extra money definitely goes a long way.
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