An Open Letter to iamSanna
Hi Sanna!
Thank you for taking the time to read this, we appreciate it so much! We promise to keep this short and as sweet as you are! :3
We like to have real and personal relationships with our creators and loved the idea of writing an open and honest letter to you to introduce ourselves and our company!
We are Swag Junkies! We work with loads of talented content creators to design amazing personalized artwork for your audience to rep! We do the basics like tees and hoodies, but we also love creating pieces a little more unique and individual to the person...perhaps a unicorn beanie? We make sure our products reflect the creator, so that they can look as magical as you!
Listen, we know you’re busy between your two uploads a day and making time for Jelly amidst all that, so trust us when we say we’ve got your back! You can be as hands on or off as you’d like! You don’t need to set aside time to decide things like designs and colour options, so we’ve totally got you covered! Another plus is that our products are printed to order so there are never extra payments for bulk inventory or hidden fees.
If we seem like a company you’d be interested in working with, please contact us through this form on our site, or email Chris directly at
Say hi to Moody for us!
Robyn, Ron and Chris :3
PS: With Black Friday and Cyber Monday coming up, it would be great to get in touch before then to discuss launches! :D
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